Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down

A week before Christmas, I took my son London for a pre-holiday visit with his pal, Calvin. The two boys have known each other since they were born and have developed a relationship of a symbiotic nature. Calvin is the more feisty of the two and is known to hiss or...

Car Trouble

Since parents and kids spend so much time together in the car, it makes sense that some meaningful and puzzling exchanges take place on the road between school dismissal and dance class, soccer practice and piano lessons. Since I’m a teacher and writer, my curiosity...


I am driving my daughter Poppy and her wispy-haired friend Emma to the Children’s Museum. Even though the radio is tuned to a local music station, I can hear the girls chatting away in the back seat. On prior trips, the gal pals have swapped slightly exaggerated...