by robert | Sep 1, 2010 | Article, Santa Fe Reporter
“Think I should ask someone for a ride?” my wife Lala asked. Our car had broken down on our way to the airport, and we were panicking on pueblo land. The woman at the gas station said the closest taxis were idling 40 miles south in Albuquerque. My daughter...
by robert | Aug 4, 2010 | Article, Santa Fe Reporter
“Dad, can we go to Forks?” my daughter Poppy asked. I knew she meant business because she added “please,” a word she’s just about eliminated from her teenage lexicon. “No way.” We were still safe in our home in New Mexico, poring...
by robert | Jul 8, 2010 | Article, Santa Fe Reporter
When I was in college, my friends and I would spend hours (some of them sober) poring over lyrics in songs, trying to decipher what Michael Stipe was mumbling on Radio Free Europe. For some reason, REM spoke to us like the Holy Spirit, and the best decoding happened...
by robert | Jun 2, 2010 | Article, Santa Fe Reporter
The academic year is dying a slow death and the final book on my syllabus is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. For those who don’t roll with the academic gangstas, Twain’s novel is one of the most controversial in American Literature, topping the banned book list....
by robert | May 5, 2010 | Article, Santa Fe Reporter
Even though we had phoned my son London’s school to let them know he would be missing three days, we were repeatedly informed (twice on the home phone, once on the cell) that, upon his return, the little scholar would need a letter explaining how his absence was...
by robert | Mar 3, 2010 | Article, Santa Fe Reporter
I recently took my son London along to the gym. After I had inelegantly completed my routine and he had demoed all the machines that would not land him in traction, we hit the locker room. He was giddy at the exclusive father-son time in an exotic locale where adults...